Benhall, Snape

Fen meadow habitat creation

Activity: Ecological work

Start date: 3rd April 2022

End date: 31st August 2024

Men working in a trench

Sizewell C is establishing a new area of Fen Meadow east of Friday Street in Benhall & Sternfield to create compensatory fen meadow habitat for a variety of species.

To compensate for a small area of Sizewell Marshes needed during construction we are planning to deliver substantially larger areas of compensatory habitat at off-site locations in Benhall, Pakenham, and Halesworth.

We are rewilding areas that were once low grade arable land to create a mosaic of heathland, scrub, woodland, wetland and fen meadows.

Planning consent to proceed with the habitat was given by East Suffolk Council in January 2023 and work began on the site in May 2023.

April 2024: The site team will re-mobilise.

Late April – July 2024: Site excavation and earthworks to remove soil and re-align water levels to create ideal ecological conditions will re-commence.
Traffic management will be installed on the A1094 at the bell mouth entrance to the site, to ease the movement of transport and equipment. This traffic management involves periodic use of traffic lights, which will turn green or be removed when not required.

End May- August: The Public Right of Way will remain open. The crossing will be fully controlled with a banksman during working hours.

28 May 2024: The 40mph average speed cameras on the A12 will be reinstated until mid-August

August 2024: Contractors will remove the site facilities and commence re-wilding, where required.